We do our very best to keep our warehouse stocked and ready for all ages of children. Our entire inventory is supplied by donations from those in our community who have a heart for children in need. When we are in short supply of particular items, we will post those needs here!
Clothes for Boys & Girls ages 6 and up
Clothes for Teens
Underwear (all sizes)
Socks (all sizes)
Pajamas (all sizes)
We also have an Amazon Wish List for you to send items directly to our Warehouse! Click below button to see what we need!
We welcome clean, gently used items. Donations are welcome during our open hours which can be found at the bottom of this page. We also have a drop-off bin outside our building, if you need to drop-off items at other times.
If you choose to order items online, you can have them shipped to our warehouse at 7600 Sand St., Fort Worth, TX 76118. Please send delivery details to Vickie Akins at 817.856.8333 to ensure someone will be available to receive the delivery.
We thank you for your giving heart and willingness to help us serve foster and adoptive families in our community!